Basic Caricature WorkshopArt & Craft

May 23, 2020, 3 p.m.
This event will be held online.

This online workshop focusus on how to draw basic linework caricatures using the simple method of shape associations. I believe drawing caricatures can be amusing while also help in unleashing creativity. Drawing caricatures can be also be a fun way to unwind after a long day. 


This workshop will help you get there even if you have never made one before. 

What you will learn:

1. Be introduced to the fascinating world of caricatures 

2. Learn to construct the human face through shape associations 

3. Learn to draw faces retaining the likeness while exaggerating features 


Materials Required:

1. Sketch Pen or a marker 

2. Paper or a Sketch pad 

3. HB Pencil 

4. An eraser (preferably kneaded eraser)


About the Artist:

Hello, my name is Prakash Pai and I'm a professional sketch artist specialising in portraits and caricatures. I've held several exhibitions in India and commissioned artworks to clients across the globe. I've also been teaching caricature through several art workshops.

Event Location - Dialogues Live

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